Gilbert’s 11 am class was thrilled when Marshall Hawkins stop in to give them a few pointers. Mr. Hawkins runs the jazz program at the Idyllwild Arts Academy and was in town to attend an IAJSD board meeting.
Mr. Hawkins in a living legend. He was Miles Davis’s bass player back in the day. He teaches the kids with such depth and clarity. His jazz lectures often touch on deeply spiritual issues. He is a treasure and we are so blessed to have him as a mentor and board member.
Brenda Greggio, the combo’s piano player, wanted to express how meaningful Mr. Hawkin’s presence is in the classroom:
“I always like when he shows up, it doesn’t happen very often, but when he comes and when he talks, you can feel all his wisdom and knowledge! It is always such a wonderful experience!!!, He always teaches me a few interesting chords on the piano.”
To read all our faculty bios, including Mr. Hawkins, click here.